SO EXCITED you have a blog!!! :) for some reason everything is WAY BIG on my screen. you might want to go to the layout section and select the 1st template (minima). it might help with your CUTE background. :)
I have been told "Blogging" is a great way to keep in touch with family and friends and for them to keep in touch with you. Hopefully I can figure this out.
I am a mom of 2 wild, crazy and very bright little boys and married to the most wonderful man on earth...going on 6 years in May! Being a mom is a dream come true for me and although most days, I feel as if I might go crazy, at the end of the day its the sweet kisses, hugs, smiles and laughs that make it all worth it.
"As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord!"
SO EXCITED you have a blog!!! :) for some reason everything is WAY BIG on my screen. you might want to go to the layout section and select the 1st template (minima). it might help with your CUTE background. :)